3 Reasons Why I Joined the Yum Sing House Team

February 24, 2025

Changing jobs can be one of the most challenging decisions a person can make. I recently made the decision to join Yum Sing House as a marketing assistant and thought I’d explain how I approached the decision, and just as importantly, my experience since joining.

But First, Some Background

I started working at Yum Sing House about 6 weeks ago, a couple of months after graduating from university, having worked in hospitality throughout my degree. I hadn’t heard of Yum Sing House before but the role looked really interesting! Based on the interview process and my research into the business, it definitely seemed like a good fit, but since it was my first marketing job and also my first job coming out of the pandemic, I was still a little nervous and unsure of what to expect.

1. Strong Communication & Organisation

My onboarding turned out to be really nice. The week before I started, my marketing coordinator, Kate, got in touch to give me info on my role and send over onboarding paperwork. The day I started Kate sat down with me to run through my job responsibilities, some background of the restaurant and everyone’s role in it. I was then introduced to all the other team members, followed by a meeting that included all departments of Yum Sing House. I had a chance to learn more about the other teams and to be honest I was surprised at how open the communication was between everyone. None of the jobs from my past hospitality experience had such thoroughly organised and structured meetings that involved every department. My training was all set out in the form of thorough presentation slides and checklists for the next couple of days. The best part: I could tick things off when completed (so satisfactory!).

2. Great Team & Work Culture

While it did take me a while to learn everyone’s names, what I quickly learned was that everyone at Yum Sing House genuinely enjoys spending time together. Different departments come together to work collaboratively, and at the end of each day we catch up over staff meals. What really strikes me (in a very positive way) is that the chefs are kind enough to prepare us restaurant-quality meals with heaps of variety, so I’m always finding myself excited to get to the end of the day! Over the course of the next few weeks, I occasionally ate with some of my teammates and learned that humour and fun are pretty commonplace. I could tell that Yum Sing House prioritises their staff, even just by the fact that we have our very own staff room to relax in and toilets for the back of house team. Being new, I naturally felt hesitant to ask questions, but everyone, especially our director Kiet, encouraged me to be curious. Surely enough, I felt comfortable and welcomed into the family. I must say it feels pretty good to work in such a friendly environment!

3. Career Progression & Development

The past few weeks have gone by so quickly, and with every passing day, I feel like I have grown. I know there is still a lot to learn, but what I have learnt is that everyone at Yum Sing House has a strong growth mindset. With the help of my teammates, I’ve been building knowledge on particular topics that interest me while improving my interpersonal skills. What I appreciate the most about working at Yum Sing House is that everyone’s strengths, goals and personal growth are valued. Our mission statement is “enriching lives through delightful hospitality”, and Yum Sing House recognises that the only way to achieve that mission is through engaged, happy, and satisfied employees. We all understand that only teamwork can make the dream work, and sometimes that means evolving how we do things through fresh perspectives, so why not bring yours?

Join our Team!

Everyone’s job change decision is ultimately personal, but I hope that by sharing my experience at Yum Sing House, I have provided some value to help you make your next employment decision.

In case you are interested in joining the family, check out our current job openings on our Facebook page or reach out to us at info@yumsinghouse.com.au. We are always open to keen staff!